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Research Introduction Video Released

A video introducing our research was released in conjunction with our presentation at Interaction 2023.

Results submission site for the Common Experience Sample is now open!

In order to promote comparative evaluation of tactile displays among studies, we have created a posting site to share the results of experiments conducted using common experience samples.

Common experience samples were published in the research web media "Kudos".

Common Experience Sample 1.0 Developing a sample for comparing the characteristics of haptic displays" submitted to VRST2022 has been published in Kudos, a research web media.

Common Experience Sample (CES) presented at VRST2022

M2 Oka presented a demo entitled "Common Experience Sample 1.0 Developing a sample for comparing the characteristics of haptic displays" at the 28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2022). Common Experience Sample 1.0 Developing a sample for comparing the characteristics of haptic displays.

The "Ah-Aloud Method" was presented at an academic conference.

Open video game use cases will also be presented. We have presented our method of observing emotions, called the "Ah-Aloud Method" at two conferences.

Common experience sample presented at VRSJ2022

M2's Oka gave a presentation at the 27th Virtual Reality Society of Japan Conference (VRSJ2022) titled "触覚ディスプレイの比較評価を目的とした共通体験サンプルの試作と検討".

Open FPS presented at GI47

B3 Hayashi gave a presentation titled "FPSゲームの要素分析とそれに基づくオープンなFPSゲームの開発" at the 47th Annual Conference on Game Informatics (gi47).

Minimum Tennis presented at Interaction 2022

Iida, B2, gave a demo presentation at Interaction 2022 titled "研究者が利用しやすいオープンなスポーツゲームの試作".

OVGL presented at EC2021

M1 student Oka gave a presentation and demonstration at Entertainment Computing 2021 titled "研究利用しやすく標準性を目指したビデオゲームの設計と開発".